Heavy Fighting

Greetings, heavy fighters of Atlantia!

This year, to celebrate the birthday of our Noble Barony of Stierbach, we are inspired by the Nine Muses, and in particular, Clio, “the proclaimer, glorifier and celebrator of history, great deeds and

By Sailko – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51027384

As such, we are inspired to revive the pageantry and lore of one of the great historical medieval
tournaments at Cambray, France in 1385, held to celebrate the marriage of Count d’Ostrevant to the
daughter of Duke Phillip of Burgundy.

This fete will consist of FOUR lists of matched weapons. One for Sword & Shield, one for Great
Sword, one for Pole Weapon & one for Spear. Matched weapons will be provided, or you may use
your own. We will fight a bear-pit style tourney with each match being the best of 3 traditional
passes, and the winner of each match being awarded a ribbon in the color of the particular list. The
overall winner will be the combatant with the skill and fortitude to collect more ribbons than any
other on the day. There will be no limit to the number of matches in each list, so there will be LOTS
of chances to hit your friends!

Schedule: Site opens at 9am, the Heavy list will open after morning court for inspections & authorizations