A&S Competition

Stierbach Birthday 2024 – A&S Competition

The theme of our competition is the nine muses. Entrants should take inspiration from one (or more) of the muses below when creating their entries:

  1. Calliope (epic poetry)
  2. Clio (history)
  3. Polyhymnia (hymn)
  4. Euterpe (flute)
  5. Terpsichore (light verse and dance)
  6. Erato (lyric choral poetry)
  7. Melpomene (tragedy)
  8. Thalia (comedy)
  9. Urania (astronomy)

In your documentation, please briefly describe how your entry was inspired by one of the nine muses.

Stierbach Birthday 2024 – Open Display – Your Favorite Award Scroll

After we receive an award, many of us give our scrolls a cherished place of honor in our homes, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to share those beautiful works of art with a wider SCA audience? Let’s give our talented scribes some extra love and attention! Please bring your favorite award scroll that you have received (at any time or place in your SCA career). It will be put on display so that the populace may have an opportunity to admire the great artistry of our scribes.